This is a weekend pass including workshops
*Intensives are not included
First 100----------$160 -----Directors Early Release
Early Bird -------$180 -----until 2/17/25
Standard---------$200------until 3/18/2025
Event Price ------$225
If you purchased a weekend pass and need to upgrade to a table seating
Mark Slater 408-205-8835
Table seating available now
For table upgrade on pre-purchased weekend pass
Contact Mark at
Purchase your weekend pass with table seating
$210--- -----Directors Early Release
$230-----until 2/17/25
$250------until 3/18/2025
$275 at Event
General table seating password is coa2025
Reserved table seating see your table captain for seating and password
For a whole table seating for 9 contact Valerie at
Weekend pass for International and
Essential Services Nurses,1st responders, Military
Early bird- ----------$130-----until 2/17/25
Standard------------$150 ----until 3/18/25
Event Price---------$170
*ID must be shown at check-in
*Does not include Intensives
All-Star weekend pass $115
Includes All-American Competition
*Does not include intensives
*Juniors 17 and under Free
*Does not include Intensives
*One Chaperone per Junior participant
*Dancing, Competitions and Workshops excluded
*Spectator Pass $30 per day after 6pm
Available at the door
Dance and Workshop with Ben Morris
*Including with weekend pass
Purchase at the door if available
After 6pm
Purchase at the door if available
Purchase at the door if available
After 8pm
Purchase at the door if available
Purchase at the door if available
After 8pm
Purchase at the door if available
Pre-reg $30
At the event $45
Pre reg $30
At the the door $45
Hi Lead-Low Follow
Low Lead -Hi Follow
Pre reg $25
At the the door $35
Low- Intermediate and below
High- Advanced and above
Master Choice
Lets explore new ways to surprise and create different movements.
We will try to develop our instinctive creativity and increase our reaction time.
This is going to be intense ! I hope you are ready ?!
In this Funk, Hip-Hop & Soul Intensive, dancers will delve into the rhythmic and expressive elements of funk, hip-hop, and soul music. Participants will learn foundational techniques to interpret and dance to these genres, focusing on footwork variations, body isolations, and musicality.
Special attention will also be given to the art of musical interpretation, encouraging dancers to express the mood and energy of each song through their movements. By the end of the intensive, participants can expect to not only broaden their understanding of dance fusion but also gain newfound confidence in their ability to dance dynamically and creatively across different musical genres in West Coast Swing.
Want to up your creativity?! Learn how connection can create shapes, and help you set up new patterns.
This class will give you the drills and techniques you need to get out of the “Same Old Pattern” loop!
You do not need to be an advanced, all-star, or champion dancer to participate – this exceptional training program is open to all skill levels!
Kelly has achieved the highest level of certification (Master Chief Judge) from the WSDC. She has over 45 years of teaching and competing experience, and 30+ years as a judge and chief judge.
In this program, Kelly will cover logistical strategies, philosophical considerations, professional ethics, and explanations on many other aspects of judging the various divisions of swing competitions.
Includes 10 hours of lecture, discussion, plus several hours of real-life judging experience on the competition floor
Apprentice judges in this program must have a full weekend pass to COA 2025
Apprentice judges in this program may compete in all competitions for which they qualify under COA rules
Space is limited so register early!
For more information, contact Kelly at